Issue 3/2024 of "innovations"
Issue 3/2024 of "innovations"
Topics: Complete solutions, Automation, Large machines, Recycling, WITTMANN worldwide, Energy efficiency, Company News

Issue 3/2024 of our quarterly “WITTMANN innovations” is featuring the following topics:
- Efficiency for inefficient markets — ZECA accepted the challenge.
- iMAGOxt: keeping an eye on energy consumption in real time.
- Three production cells to produce highly complex technical components.
- WITTMANN machines, the most economical ones.
- The new S-Max 2 granulators from WITTMANN amortized in six months.
- From the region for the Region - WITTMANN BATTENFELD CZ spol. s r.o.
- Fit for future challenges.
- On course towards climate neutrality - high energy efficiency.
- We live injection molding. Injection molding now for listeners, too.